This page documents setting up a VMware virtual machine (VM) based Windows OS ControlTier development environment. It covers all the steps from creating the system image from a downloaded ISO to installing ControlTier and setting up a user account to do ControlTier module development.
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This page will provide a step by step procedure to set up a ControlTier Windows development environment. If you using Mac you might consider following install VMWare to install VMWare fusion. Is one drive compatible with mac.
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Windows Set-up
Since Windows OS is a commercial product, we assume you have a licensed version of the image ISO that can be used to set up a windows VM.
- Open VMWare and select 'New' under file menu. Hit 'Continue without Disc' which will take you to the following screen. Select the Windows ISO image file that you purchased.
- Choose the right OS as shown below.
- Uncheck, 'Windows Easy Install' and continue to the customization screen. In the customize screen set the following.
- The minimum memory on the VM should be 768MB for optimal use of ControlTier.
- The minimum disc space to install ControlTier should be 16GB.
- Choose the following setting for Network.
- Now, start the VM. You will see Windows being installed in the VM after selecting the language settings.
- Provide the product key when prompted.
- Select the Windows version you purchased and hit 'Next'.
- Use the following option during install.
- Continue until installation completes and the system restarts.

- After restart, configure your Windows machine by setting the appropriate timezone (Usually this is set automatically).
- In the 'Initial Configuration Tasks' screen, click 'Provide Computer Name and domain' and rename the Computer Full Name.
- Enable automatic update for windows.
- Check for updates and install updates from the 'Download and Install updates' option.
- To be able to add features, restart the machine now so that all these changes get reflected.
- Install windows power shell feature if you want to use power shell in future. For basic ControlTire module development, we do not need this feature.
- Enable remote desk top for this machine
- Disable windows firewall as we will use this for ControlTier development only.

- Now, close the configuration tasks screen.
Remove IE security setting
- When you open Internet explorer and try to open any website, you will see security warning as shown below.
- In order to avoid this security warning every time, turn off the Enhanced Security Configuration(ESC) in the Server Manager as shown below.
Install Java
- As a pre-requisite for ControlTier, we need to have java installed in the server machine. Download the latest version of java and install.
Install Eclipse IDE
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If you're happy using tools like TortoiseSVN and Notepad/Wordpad you can avoid installing a full IDE: How to delete apps on macs.
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- Inorder to use this machine for module development (e.g. work with an SCM and edit XML files), we need to install an IDE. Lets install eclipse IDE in this machine.
- Download Eclipse Classic 3.6.1 from
- Unzip the downloaded archive into c:Program Files directory
Install Subclipse
Some sort of Subversion client is necessary since the ControlTier Sourceforge repositories use Subversion:
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- Subclipse is a subversion plug-in that can be used to connect to the SCM.
- Open eclipse and install subclipse by going to 'help->Install new software' in the Eclipse menu.
- Use the following options during the installation and complete the installation.
Create ctier group
- Before installing ControlTier, create a 'ctier' group. Any user using ControlTier will be added to this group
- Create ctier group from 'Server Manager ->Configuration->groups->new group'
Create new user
- Let's create a new user called ControlTier who will have admin rights in the machine to be able to install the ControlTier server as a Windows service.
- As an admin, create a new user from the 'Server Manager->Configuration->Local users and groups'
- Add this ControlTier user to the 'ctier' user group.
- After creating the user, set the new user's local path to c:ctier as shown below.
- To provide admin rights to the ControlTier user, go to ControlPanel->user accounts ->Manage another account ->ControlTier user -> Change account type.
- Now, change the account type for ControlTier user to 'Administrator' as shown below.
- Now, the ControlTier user has administrator right.
- It is safe to turn off user account control from 'ControlPanel->User accounts -> Turn on/off User account control' since we will be using this machine for ControlTier development only.
Install ControlTier
- Log in as ControlTier user to the windows machine.
- Follow instructions in zip installer to install ControlTier for windows.
- Open a command prompt to set JAVA_HOME and CTIER_ROOT directories. Execute the following commands.
- To check if these variables have been set, execute the following commands.
- Now execute install.bat available in c:ctierpkgsControlTier-3.6.0, this will install ControlTier in the windows machine.
- ControlTier has been successfully installed in the machine.
Providing access rights to ctier user group
- Now that ControlTier has been installed, provide the following access to the ctier user group. These access rights will be applied to all the users added to the 'ctier' user group.
ControlTier as windows service
- To configure ControlTier as a windows service, follow this ControlTier as windows service
- Having logged in as ControlTier user, go to 'Server Manager->Configuration->Services->Jetty6-ControlTier->properties' provide the user account name and password as show below and then start the service.
- This will allow ControlTier to run as windows service started as a ControlTier user.
Create normal user
- Since we have configured ControlTier to run as a windows service, the next step will be to create a normal user who can use ControlTier for module development.
- Log-in as an admin and create a new user named 'raj' for example from
- Add this user to the 'ctier' user group.
Environment Variables for normal user
- For the normal user to be able to use ControlTier for module development, the following User environment variables should be set after switching to the normal user. This can be done from
Working with ControlTier
- Log-in as the normal user(raj).
- Check out ControlTier-3.6 modules from as a new project in Eclipse into the user workspace.
- Create a new project using the following command.
Now, lets use a sample project.xml to include in the new project that will be used for further development. Lets call this xml 'builders_windows.xml'. Create this xml in {userhome}workspace directory.
- Note the user home specified in the xml. 'env.homepath ' provides the user home in windows.
- Now lets load this xml resource in our project so that this can be used to instantiate ProjectBuilder. Use the following command to load this resource.
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File:VM.Win.LoadXml.png- Now install these ProjectBuilder types in the project using the following command
The above output is because of the four ProjectBuilder types that we had included in 'builders_windows.xml'.
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- If you do a resource search in workbench now, it should show these four resources added to the project.
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Building and uploading core and element modules
- Inorder to create and upload the element modules use the following command.
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- ></syntaxhighlight>Inorder to create and upload the core modules use the following command.
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<syntaxhighlight>c:Usersrajworkspace> ctl -p myproject -t ProjectBuilder -r core-3-6-support -c build-library -- -upload Created dir: Userarajworkspacetargetcontroltier-3-6-support/coreBuilding library from modules in opts.basedir: Userarajworkspacecontroltier-3-6-supportcoremodulessetting property to core-3-6-support-seedCreated dir: Usersrajworkspacetargetcontroltier-3-6-supportcoremodulesprocessing modules in directory: Usersrajworkspacecontroltier-3-6-supportcoremodulesconverting type.xml for module: Buildergenerating handlers.packaging module: BuilderCopying 1 file to Usersrajworkspacecontroltier-3-6-supportcoremodulesBuilder.Building jar: Usersrajworkspacetargetcontroltier-3-6-supportcorecore-3-6-support-seed.jarUploading module jar: 'Usersrajworkspacetargetcontroltier-3-6-supportcorecore-3-6-support-seed.jar' .Imported types defined in library: Usersrajworkspacetargetcontroltier-3-6-supportcorecore-3-6-support-seed.jar</syntaxhighlight>
Now, we have a Windows Virtual machine that has ControlTier 3.6 installed and we have a project named 'myproject' that has all the basic types and resources available.